Metric VBT - Changelog

Latest feature releases, updates and improvements made to the Metric app, available on iOS.

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Version 4.7 - Video Import

October 14, 2024

What's new 🚨

Video Import
Metric now supports importing videos from your camera roll for analysis and processing. This feature allows you to:

  • Import horizontal or vertical videos
  • Use 1080p or 4k videos
  • Import videos from digital cameras or other devices

For optimal results, we recommend using videos recorded at 60fps. Note: Slow-motion video is not recommended. Metric recording guidelines can be found at this link.

Add Imported Videos to Workout History
Enhance your existing workouts by adding imported video sets to your workout history. You can also start a new workout from an imported video, giving you the flexibility to record all your sets with your device's camera app and import them later.

Quick record
Sometimes you might not want to complete an entire workout, and just want to analyse 1-2 key sets. Thanks to the quick record option, you can do exactly this, directly from the home screen. Tap the record a set button, enter your exercise details and go straight to the Metric camera to start lifting.

Improvements ✨

Responsive Design for Accessibility and Smaller Devices
We've optimized Metric's interface for a better user experience across all devices:

  • Improved handling for smaller phone screen sizes (iPhone SE and mini models)
  • Enhanced support for large text when accessibility font sizes are active

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Resolved an issue with the exercise multi-add feature that prevented adding multiple exercises to an in-progress workout
  • Handled some teams bugs that were causing workouts and sets to occasionally to be attributed to the wrong athlete
  • Fixed the case of the missing set videos when training with RPE
  • Fixed some navigation and display issues when reviewing workouts and velocity data in training history
  • Improved the responsiveness of hiding and un-hiding reps within a set
  • Fixed a rare issue where highlight cards would not be displayed in the set review
  • Addressed search bugs in the video library
  • Enhanced loading speed for thumbnails in the video library

Version 4.6 - Family and Coach memberships

August 7, 2024

What's new 🚨

Coach and Family Plans
Metric now offers Pro subscriptions for Teams and coaches, as well as family plans. Train with your friends or manage your clients more effectively with these new subscription options.

Profile Pictures
Personalise your account by adding a profile picture. Set yours in the Training Profile tab within your account settings.

Improvements ✨

Pre-fill RPE for Future Sets
Plan your training exertion ahead of time by pre-filling your RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) or RIR (Reps in Reserve) numbers for today's workout.

Enhanced Tutorial Screens
We've refreshed the in-app Metric support pages with real-world images to guide you in finding the best recording position. You'll also find more practical tutorial screens and troubleshooting tips for when video recording might be misaligned.

Improved Exercise List Experience
Upgraded look and usability of the exercise list and improved interactions for a smoother multi-select experience when creating templates or while training.

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Various minor elements have been refreshed and tweaked to improve the overall Metric experience.

Version 4.5 - Roster management and tracking improvements

July 1, 2024

What's new 🚨

Roster management in app (Pro)
Metric Coach account holders can now manage their athlete roster directly in the Metric app. Add, remove, and edit athletes in your roster all from your device with Coach Mode enabled.

Learn more about Teams here →

Improvements ✨

Tracking algorithm refactor
We've supercharged our tracking algorithm! It now runs up to 30% faster in some tests, performs better on older iPhone models, and offers improved reliability for both real-time feedback and post-set velocity data. Expect fewer outlier reps, less processing time, and fewer missed sets.

Athlete data loading in history and performance charts
Teams data now loads and refreshes more smoothly with Coach Mode enabled. Toggle between your athletes' data in both the training history and performance chart pages with ease.

Smoother template building
Creating the perfect workout template is now a breeze. We've improved animations, editing functions, and interactions in the workout template builder for a more seamless experience.

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Fixed a bug that hid the streaks number when you had a 0 week streak
  • Improved tapability and interaction with number entry fields
  • Improved animations and speed for the template builder
  • Resolved an issue where entering RPE sometimes led to a training video not showing up
  • Stability improvements for multi-athlete workouts

Version 4.4 - Training streaks and home page stats

May 24, 2024

新增内容 🚨

利用 Metric 新增的连胜纪录功能轻轻推动,保持训练的一致性。每周至少完成一次锻炼,以保持连续训练。

Metric 中的主页体能训练页面已刷新,可在您打开应用程序后立即显示一些关键统计数据。现在,你可以看到每周的锻炼记录、本周创下的新纪录以及恢复时钟,显示自上次完成锻炼以来已经过去了多少小时。

改进 ✨

感谢用户的反馈,我们得以进一步改进 Metric 中的速度跟踪。偏心和暂停节奏持续时间现在更加可靠。

错误修复 🐛

  • 在整个应用程序中进行了细微的外观和速度优化
  • 改进了所有可能尚无数据页面的空状态视图。
  • 改善了锻炼期间键盘的行为,现在它可以保持原位,从而可以更快地输入重量和重复次数。
  • 在记录锻炼时恢复了快速添加负荷按钮,用于增加体重

Version 4.3 - Estimated 1RM, interactive charts

May 15, 2024

新增内容 🚨

1RM 估算(专业版)
Metric 现在提供应用内实时的最大一次重复 (1RM) 估算功能,适用于所有速度追踪练习。只需照常训练,在一定负荷范围内完成 3 组或更多套装后,将显示您的估计值 1RM。使用它来帮助校准基于百分比的训练、跟踪进度或干脆与朋友竞争。在锻炼期间,在锻炼设置菜单中为每项锻炼的 e1rm 设置自定义速度目标。 在此处了解有关 1RM 功能的更多信息

应用程序中的表现页面焕然一新,每项练习都有单独的图表。跟踪您在力量、力量和基于 1RM 的分数方面的进度,并从更广泛的时间框架中进行选择,以更深入地了解您的训练历史和一段时间内的表现。

吨位计算 (Pro)

张力下时间计算 (Pro)

改进 ✨

Metric 中的所有图表现在都是交互式的。通过拖动任何图表来仔细查看您的训练数据,以显示更详细的见解。

现在,您可以从一个中央中心自定义锻炼的所有内容。设置理想的训练视图,调整 1RM 速度目标,并选择在锻炼期间和设置的评论中显示哪些数据。在活跃锻炼期间,从每项锻炼旁边的... 菜单按钮中找到锻炼设置菜单。

错误修复 🐛

  • 解决了与多项运动员训练相关的团队问题。
  • 对跟踪算法进行了调整,以更好地处理只有一个重复的集合和其他边缘情况。
  • 修复了在完成锻炼后更新模板时停止保存模板备注的错误。
  • 改善了完成主动锻炼时的键盘行为。
  • 后端增强功能可加快数据加载速度,并更流畅地显示训练历史记录。

Version 4.2 - Coach mode templates and template notes

April 22, 2024

新增内容 🚨

健身模板现在可供拥有 Teams 账户的教练使用。从头开始锻炼或者在教练模式下训练时使用模板。此外,还可以直接共享锻炼模板的链接,这样您的在线客户就可以轻松地在自己的设备上关注他们的节目。



我们为专业版用户创建了两个新的自定义应用程序图标。在外观设置菜单中找到 Pro Gold Metric 应用程序图标!

改进 ✨


更新了 Set Review 页面


One-rep 集合跟踪得到改进
Metric 有时会漏掉单曲。感谢我们的举重运动员通过示例视频帮助追踪这个问题,错过的单打应该成为过去。

错误修复 🐛

  • 修复了在体能页面上展开和折叠运动卡时出现的奇怪视觉问题
  • 修复了一个会导致主动锻炼无法填满整个屏幕的时髦问题——现在它总是会填满整个屏幕
  • 触摸了键盘,这样当前设定的行和下一行都可见。一件可以使输入体重的速度至少快 3 倍的小东西
  • 现在,在锻炼过程中,上一组的体重和重量详细信息将更可靠地传递到新的组中。

Version 4.1 - Template sharing, exercise multi-select

April 11, 2024

新增内容 🚨


与朋友或客户分享你最喜欢的锻炼模板,便于协作制定训练计划。非常适合使用Metric Teams为客户编程的在线教练或喜欢一起训练的朋友。

改进 ✨


错误修复 🐛

Metric VBT在幕后发生了很多事情,我们针对越来越多的在训练中使用我们的用户对该应用程序进行了改进和优化,结果最近出现了许多小错误。多亏了所有指出这些的人,现在应该把其中许多问题消灭掉!

  • 修复了负载速度配置文件中的刷新问题,以确保顺利更新
  • 改善了在锻炼期间在不同场地之间点按或构建模板以实现无缝用户体验时的键盘行为
  • 修复了偶尔导致单个视频在库中出现两次的问题
  • 使用模板在训练后更好地处理锻炼历史中的 0 盘练习,保持记录的清晰度和相关性
  • 解决了历史记录中缺少自动完成的锻炼的问题

Version 4.0 - Template workout builder

April 3, 2024

新增内容 🚨



改进 ✨

现在,Metric 应用程序的所有用户都可以完成和查看整个锻炼,包括速度跟踪和手动输入练习。

错误修复 🐛

  • 整个应用程序中有许多小巧的外观改进。

Version 3.6 - Improved workout flow

February 13, 2024

新增内容 🚨


改进 ✨

  • 更好的入职体验 -通过更快的页面加载速度、快速入门设置建议和改进的教程,为新用户提供更轻松、无缝的入门体验。

错误修复 🐛

  • 修复了某些语言在应用程序加载时发生的崩溃问题
  • 修复了第一组麦克风权限请求的问题
  • 重新设计了 RPE 入口页面的样式,以便在录制后更容易输入
  • 改进了响应式设计,以提高字体设置的可用性

Version 3.5 - Performance Boost & Design Overhaul

January 30, 2024

新增内容 🚨


改进 ✨

  • 视频处理速度改进:我们提高了分析集合中速度数据的处理速度。享受更短的后置处理时间和更准确的实时反馈。
  • 数据加载优化: 你在 Metric 中的体验变得更快了!预计整个应用程序的加载时间会大大缩短,包括记录警报、疲劳趋势、进度图表和训练历史记录。
  • 设计更新: 借助我们更新的配色方案、布局和整体设计,沉浸在全新的视觉体验中。