At Metric, our mission has always been clear: to develop the world’s very best Velocity Based Training (VBT) application and workout tracker there is.
In 2023, we've taken big strides towards that goal, filling out the Metric app with powerful features aimed at helping lifters and coaches take their bar speed tracking to the next level.
New Metric VBT app features in 2023
Over the last 12 months Metric VBT developed from a proof-of-concept in version 1.0, introduced Metric Pro in version 2.0, and into the Metric workout tracker with the launch of Metric version 3.0 in October 2023.
Here are some of the major new features that have been added to Metric in the past 12-months.
Real-time velocity feedback

Get instant in-set understanding of your performance with our Real-time Feedback feature. Immediate analysis helps you adjust your lift in the moment it counts, maximising the effectiveness of each session.
Workout video library

Access a rich library of instructional videos right within the app. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced lifter, these resources are invaluable for perfecting your technique and expanding your exercise repertoire.
Workout builder and training diary

The Session Builder is your personal workout planner. It allows you to create and customize training sessions tailored to your goals, making your time in the gym more efficient and effective.
Bar Path Analysis

Metric’s Bar Path Analysis helps you refine your technique by providing visual feedback on the path of the barbell during lifts. It's like having a coach with you at all times, ensuring your form is on point.
Readiness trends

Trends is a game-changer in VBT. It provides real-time ongoing insights into your velocity, fatigue, and readiness state, enabling you to make informed decisions about your training on the fly.
Personal Record Alerts

Celebrate your milestones with Personal Record Alerts. Every time you hit a new peak in your training, Metric notifies you, adding an extra layer of motivation to your workout routine.
Automated load velocity and power profiling

One of the most valuable applications of velocity based training profiles provide deeper insight into an athlete’s training and progress over time. Metric generates your profile automatically and is available directly in your session. Effortlessly compare today’s profile with your last session to map performance improvements and toggle between the load-velocity and load-power profile options.
Teams Dashboard

Coaches and team managers, rejoice! The Metric Teams dashboard streamlines the management of athletes' performance data, offering a comprehensive view of progress and achievements.
So many new ways to use velocity in the gym
In addition to these major features released in 2023 there are countless optimisations, minor additions and much more all aimed at improving your VBT experience.
Every feature added to Metric VBT in 2023
Training history • Auto-save videos • RPE and RIR entry • Teams dashboard • Pause metrics •Discord community •Auto-trim videos • Manual exercise entry • 10x faster video processing • Translations • Real-time Feedback • Custom exercises • Online user guide • Eccentric tempo • Power metrics • Peak velocity • Custom app icons • Olympic lift tracking • Advanced camera mode • Session auto-fill • Multi-athlete training mode • Video library • 6-week comparison • Metric Pro • Progress charts • Leaderboards • Session builder • Always on display • Custom video overlays • Trends • Mobile responsive dashboard • Bar path • Support documentation • Free VBT course • External validation • Personal record alerts • Automated profiling • Data customisation

Thank you to our lifters!
Big thanks to our amazing community of lifters for all your detailed feedback, ideas and insights - your input has been a really big help in making Metric what it is today.
What do you want to see us add into the Metric app in 2024? Get in touch on Instagram or come join our Discord community, it would be great if you came to say hi 👋