Metric Pro: the new standard in bar speed tracking and VBT

Designed specifically for the lifter who is committed to their training, Metric Pro offers a fresh approach to velocity tracking in the weight room making advanced velocity based training and programming methods available for lifters of every level.

Our mission for the Metric VBT app is to make tracking barbell velocity fast, effortless and actionable, providing lifters with meaningful insights and data that will help them train harder, and train with confidence, not feel overwhelmed or confused.

Metric basic is still free

Even as we introduce the Metric Pro subscription into the Metric app, we still aim to keep Metric accessible and free for everyone. Hence, you can still record an unlimited number of sets with the most cutting edge version of the patented Metric VBT computer vision algorithm for free with a basic account.

For those looking to level up even further, Metric Pro brings a suite of exclusive features to the table for those ready to seriously up their training game. You can check out the added features in Pro with a 14-day free trial and after that you can go Pro for only cents per day.

Let’s explore the new features that have been added with Metric version 2.0.

Customise your velocity tracking experience

Your training, your way.

A fully individualised velocity tracking experience is now a reality for free and Pro lifters alike. You can turn on or off any metric, data point, or chart within the Metric app to focus your attention on the numbers that matter in your workouts and that align with your training goals.

Velocity based training, barbell tracking app with full customisation to match your training goals, Metric VBT
  • Change the order and number of highlight cards shown for each set, set different highlights for each unique exercise you use in your workouts
  • Change the metrics on the set table, and pick between 1 and 3 metrics to show on the table, with a different mix of metrics chosen for each exercise
  • Customise the metric shown on the video overlay

And for Pro members:

  • Customise the metrics shown in session mode and while reviewing your training history.
  • Choose between no profile, a velocity profile or a power profile for each exercise.

All of these metrics can be set as a default for all exercises, or modified on an exercise-by-exercise basis allowing you to set eccentric tempo as the focus metric for your RDLs while leaving peak power as the focus when you do your power cleans.

Advanced VBT metrics (Pro)

In addition to eccentric tempo, mean velocity and range of motion (ROM), Pro users get access to four additional metrics to gain further insights into their training.

Toggle these advanced metrics on or off as in your session, highlights or throughout your history, and thanks to the customisation settings of Metric VBT you can set them all at the individual exercise level for a highly tailored velocity tracking experience. These metrics open up a range of new ways to review and track your progress, or empowering you to fine-tune your training for maximum efficiency and impact.

Peak velocity

While the default mean velocity shows the average velocity for a rep, peak velocity shows the fastest single moment of velocity within that repetition. Peak velocity is sometimes the preferred metric when training with explosive lifts like power cleans, snatches, or loaded jumps.

A word of warning though: unlike the stable and reliable mean velocity, peak values can be prone to noise, sometimes making it a less reliable indicators of fatigue or progress - especially in the short term. It is still a useful metric for setting velocity targets or when looking at averages on longer time frames (6-weeks plus).

Mean power & peak power

Power as a metric in the gym can be a game changer for coaches.

Power is often described as a “fluffy” metric because it is a composite score calculated from bar load, velocity and the acceleration due to gravity. As opposed to the raw and simple insights that velocity can provide, power is multifactorial and as a result it is often difficult to isolate why power scores might have changed over time.

Don’t let this prevent you from using it though! In the practical day-to-day world of strength and conditioning, power is still incredibly useful in programming and training, power metrics are perfect for simplifying and focusing attention down to a single metric, making it the perfect way to gamify training, drive engagement and athlete buy-in, while educating athletes around the benefits and objectives of dynamic effort training, and providing a great measure of intent and explosive effort when lifting moderate loads.

Pause tempo

An ideal compliment to eccentric tempo, a pause count metric teaches and monitors how well a lifter controls the barbell. Great for motor learning, or simply as a way to measure time under tension in your lifting while removing elastic qualities from the lift to improve strength and force production in the bottom of your bench press of back squat.

Use pause feedback during hypertrophy or rehabilitation programming, or as a tool to help powerlifters improve their strength out of the bottom on squats and bench press.

Session mode - The best velocity based training app interface

Session mode is a revolution in velocity based training.

If phase one of the Metric game plan was to eliminate the need for a VBT device to get accurate training data, phase two has been to transform the barbell velocity tracking app experience, making the velocity data collection a fast and effortless experience.

Velocity based training, barbell tracking app Metric VBT session mode for fast training
Customise how each of your exercises is displayed by turning on or off the velocity and power profiles and adjusting metrics

Session mode is a workout builder for training with velocity. It lets you record multiple sets of as many exercises as you want, from a single page with only the tiniest amount of set up and interaction.

Unlike other velocity-based training devices and apps which are built for only one exercise or even one set at a time, Metric allows lifters to seamlessly superset exercises without the need to repetitively swap and change exercises in the app, or continually move around bulky hardware and strings.

Add extra exercises, rapidly change the bar load with our plate calculator buttons, and move locations by pointing your camera at your next exercise, and when you finish all the sets for an exercise simply hide the details so you can focus on the exercise at hand.

Session mode is available for Metric Pro subscribers and on Metric for Teams.

Load velocity profiling

Within session mode (and also inside your training history), Metric automatically calculates a load velocity and load power profile for each exercise where you record two sets or more of different weights in a single workout.

Velocity based training, barbell tracking, load velocity and load power profiles

These profiles are a quick and visual way to see how today’s performance is tracking, and by comparing the shape of your velocity or power with your profile from last session you can also get insights into your readiness and fatigue state in real-time.

Choose which profile you want to display for each exercise, or simply hide the profile altogether if it is not relevant to the current exercise.

Profiling is available for Metric Pro subscribers.

Full training history

All your workouts, sets, and reps stored securely in the Metric cloud.

Velocity based training, barbell tracking app full training history with metric VBT

Organised by session your training history provides a surface level view of each workout, to explore the details of a specific session you can go another level down to review your velocity or load profile and set by set performance. One more layer down you will find the specifics for every single rep, easily edit details, adjust metrics and review performance trends from your training history.

Unlock your training history with a Pro subscription.

6-week average readiness indicator

The 6-week average readiness indicator is another powerful feature exclusive to Metric Pro users.

By enabling the 6-week average in your settings, you can replace the 'last time' context number on your highlight cards with a comparison between today’s output and your six-week average, offering valuable real-time insights into your performance over time.

You can apply the 6-week average to your velocity, range of motion, tempo, or power output to assess whether you're tracking in the right direction (getting faster, more powerful, etc.) or if you might be slightly off pace today.

By considering a 6-week average, you can confidently gauge any significant changes in your performance based on your most recent sessions.

Trends: monitoring your progress

Building on the same concept as the 6-week average is the new velocity trend card.

Velocity based training, barbell tracking, mean velocity card from the Metric VBT app

If you have enough recent training data for comparison, you'll be shown a velocity trends card after each set. This card offers one of three feedback options: Trending faster, stable, or trending slower. Use this information to determine readiness and to motivate you to give your best effort in each set.

For Pro members, tapping on the trends card will reveal a progress chart that shows your best rep and average velocity for that specific exercise and weight combination.

Velocity based training, barbell tracking app for tracking progress in the gym

Soon, we will be adding power and strength trend insights and progress charts into the app as well.

Advanced personal record alerts

After every set recorded in Metric, the app will compare the latest sets data with your training history from the Metric app to see if you have set any new personal records (PRs).

Velocity based training, barbell tracking app with velocity and load records

Upgrade to Pro and get the details for your new record whether it be for load, power, velocity or reps.

The future of velocity based training is free to use

The Metric VBT app revolutionises your training experience, all while fitting neatly in your pocket. Available for free on iOS devices (iPhone and iPad compatible), you can dive into the world of velocity-based training and record unlimited sets with no commitment. If you're looking to unlock an even wider array of features, you can test-drive Metric Pro with a no-obligation 14-day free trial.

At Metric, we are constantly looking to grow and improve the app. We value the input from the athletes who use Metric in their training and coaching and look forward to hearing your feedback. Your insights and suggestions will guide us in refining our technology, shaping the future of velocity tracking.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge and redefine your training with Metric today.

Download Metric VBT for iOS here →

By lifters for lifters

Metric was built with lifters and coaches front of mind.

Focused analytics and powerful workout tracking tools for Powerlifting, Strength and conditioning, CrossFit, Weightlifting, and anyone serious about their strength training.

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