Start a new workout

Logging your workouts is designed to be as efficient as possible, to start, simply tap the Start a workout button on the Workout page in the app. This will open a blank workout for you to begin training from an empty template.

First, tap the add an exercise to add your training exercises to the workout. You can select from the in-built exercise library or create & name your own custom exercises. When selecting exercises you can use the search bar, exercise filtering, or enable multi-select for more efficiently finding and adding your exercises to the workout.

Exercises shown with a “V” symbol are barbell exercises that allow velocity tracking. All other movements can be manual entry for weight, reps, and/or duration.

Interactions when logging a workout

There are a number of ways to navigate and work with your exercises when training.

  • To reorder your exercises Drag and drop any exercise card within your training session
  • If you picked the wrong exercise, or want to switch a movement in your session you can easily Swap exercises from the menu button next to that exercise’s name. Be sure to switch exercises before completing any sets.
  • Swipe left on any set that you want to delete from the session
  • Use the menu to delete an entire exercise from your workout.
  • Tap the exercise name to expand or collapse the exercise card details as you train (collapsing exercises once you have completed them is a great way to keep your session organised and remind you where you are).
  • Velocity enabled exercises can also be manually completed for times when you might not want to record velocity. To do this long press on the camera button and select Mark complete from the menu that pops up.

Save and finish your workout

When you have completed your entire workout, tap the Finish workout button. This will take you to the workout summary, providing you with an overview of any new personal records, all sets with a velocity trend, and a summary of the exercises completed. Here you will be given the option to create or update a training template from the completed session.

Tap Save and end workout once you are happy and the workout will save to your history.

Metric auto-complete all workouts after 6 hours of inactivity, ensuring your workout data is always saved to the correct date. and workouts don’t become infinitely long!

Workout template builder

Metric has a workout template feature, allowing you to build, edit and share your own workout templates — helping you plan and organise your training program in advance.

Workout templates are available with a Pro or Teams membership only.

Create a template

To start, press the Create a template button or the New button to open a new template. Give your template a name to help you remember the workout and add some training notes. These could be coaching cues, progression instructions, warm up or cool down reminders, etc.

Next, add your exercises to the workout, I recommend using the search and multi-select functions in the exercise list to add exercises rapidly, you can always drag to reorder the exercises after they have been added.

Next add your sets and reps for each exercise and press Save template to add this new template to your library.

Now that you have a template, you can start a new workout by tapping on this template to pre-load your exercises, sets, reps and weights into an active workout.

Managing templates

Templates have a range of additional features available for you to enhancing your training flow.

  • Edit templates - Easily edit any template as you need to suit your evolving program
  • Duplicate templates - Duplicate a template and use it as the framework for creating your next workout plan
  • Share templates - Share your latest workout creation with friends or clients directly from the Metric app. Your notes, exercises, sets and reps will be imported on their device. Recipient will need to be a Metric Pro/Teams member as well.
  • Update templates from a live workout - When you finish a workout that started from a template you will be presented with some options before finishing and saving your current workout. Save workout & update template to have all changes made to the current workout reflected in the original template, Save workout & create new template to add a brand new template to your templates library, or save workout only to leave the template as it originally was with all changes being specific to this current workout only.